


如果不清楚有哪些學校被加拿大政府給指定,歡迎來電葛瑞特留遊學唷 03-3362568


現有規定                                                                                       2014.6.1 後新規定

Study permit holders pursuing studies at publicly-funded and certain privately-funded post-secondary institutions must apply for an Off-Campus Work Permit to be able to work up to 20 hours per week off-campus during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks. Study permits will automatically authorize the holder to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week during the academic session and full-time during scheduled breaks without the need to apply for a separate work permit. The study permit holder must be pursuing academic, vocational or professional training of six months or more that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate at a designated institution.
凡持有學生簽證的同學,在學期間或是寒暑假想在校外打工(每週最多20小時),必須申請校外工讀簽證 凡持有學生簽證並且必須從事六個月以上學術性、職業性、或專業訓練才能取得學位或證照的同學,未來將不必申請校外工作簽證,即可合法於在學期間或寒暑假從事校外工讀(每週20小時規定不變)
Any international student can apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if a co-op placement is an integral element of their course of study. Only international students who are pursuing studies at a secondary school or at a designated institution may apply for a Co-Op Work Permit if a co-op placement is an integral part of their course of study. 
若國際學生的課程規劃中有實習的需求,都可以申請實習工作簽證 凡在中學或特定機構就讀,並且課程規劃中有實習需求的國際學生才可以申請實習工作簽證

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