愛爾蘭GNIB 註冊預計將在2016年的9月開始使用線上預約的方式囉,恭喜各位同學不需要再排隊拉~
GNIB 全稱Garda National Immigration Bureau,是一張能證明你在愛爾蘭有合法身份的重要證件,相當於身份證。所以,日後辦理旅行簽證,出入愛爾蘭在海關都有可能需要用到這張“身份證”。GNIB卡是所有在愛爾蘭長期學習工作生活(通常指停留三個月以上)的非歐盟人士需要辦理的,如果是短期旅行,探親訪友,暑期夏令營停留三個月以內的學生或家長們,不需要辦理GNIB.
若停留超過90天,則由移民官先核發2至4週之停留期限(實際停留期限依依民官為主),期間再赴移民警察局(Garda National Immigration Bureau,簡稱GNIB)申辦長期居留登記卡(Certificate of Registration)。
4.線上預約需準備:護照、GNIB卡號碼 (若已申辦過)
5.其他所需文件:Bank Statement/財力證明(要超過3000歐元且必須要本人戶頭)、Private Medical Insurance Document/個人醫療保單(英文) 、Immigration Card費用300歐元(只能用銀行信用卡或現金卡付)、Immigration Letter/學校移民局信等
New online appointment system for immigration registration
No more queues. No more tickets. Clear appointment times.
A new online system for booking appointments for immigration registration at Burgh Quay (Dublin) will launch this autumn.
If you register at an office outside Dublin, you will not need to use this system.
How to book an appointment for Burgh Quay
To make an appointment go to http://burghquayregistrationoffice.inis.gov.ie/ (手動打開)
Appointments are offered in a series of 1-hour slots each day.
Select the date and a time that suits you and make the appointment.
After you have made the appointment, you will receive a confirmation by email. Bring a copy of this email with you on the day of your appointment.
The confirmation email also contains a link to a list of documents you must bring.
On the day of your appointment please arrive 10 minutes early. If you are late, you may not be seen.
To use the new system you will need your:
Passport number (if applicable)
GNIB Card number (if you already have one)
All other registration documentation remains the same.
Note: If you are renewing your immigration registration, make sure to select an appointment date that falls within the 2 week period before your GNIB card expires.
Burgh Quay office changes
The new system is expected to launch in late August and will offer appointments for early September.
At that point, the existing early morning ticketing system at the Burgh Quay office will end and all appointments will have to be made via the website. It will no longer be possible to make an appointment by queuing at the office.
This initiative is occurring as part of the transfer of Registration Office administration from GNIB to INIS. It is the first step in an ongoing process to improve customer service.
Note: If you do not have access to the internet or if you need assistance to book an appointment, contact your local Citizens Information Centre.